As long as I'm on a roll blogging I thought I would share again.
We recently completed another store that has a great message. Check out Lutherans for Life's store at http://www.lfl.gigabitprint.com/. Their official site is http://www.lutheransforlife.org/.
At this site you can purchase apparel and gifts of all types to promote the Bible's Pro-Life message. They have designs that range from just their logo to some stunning full-color graphics of Christ holding a baby in his hands. See above... Notice the nail holes in Christ's hands.
Be sure to check out the little girl holding the Bible and don't get mesmerized by her beautiful eyes. It is just so incredibly cute and the Bible is so prevalent in the design. Putting God first.
This site has many designs and many types of meaningful gifts for the upcoming holiday season or for that new or expecting parent. Be sure to check it out soon.